Heinz Funk never became famous for his soundtracks for
cheesy german Edgar Wallace thrillers or detective TV series.
Due to Wikipedia the 1915 born FUNK still lives.....
I bought that LP in the early 90ies just because of Heinz'
family name. Back home I was pretty disappointed.
This has nothing to do with Funk except from the fact
that it's pure Funk playing. Enough!
The great Luke Vibert called my attention to this goody
by putting "Baccarole" on his Nuggets comp.
It's hard to pick a favourite on this one, but after some
time thinking it had to be the closing track "Wedding Of The Stars".
Unfortunately the B-Side shows some audible scratches.
I guess some friends of mine (sincere Heinz Funk fans)
danced on the record after dancing to it at a party!
PS IF you like this one scroll way down and check out the great Petr Spaleny
I'm going to risk it, if its good enough for vibert thats good enough for me, cheers basso
will trade link for a couple of comments......
I'll throw my hat into the ring also.
OK, hai raggiunto la quota di commenti? :-)
Sentiamo, sentiamo.
Ciao Fritz,
sono di germania e non so bene l'italiano ma da quanto ho capito:
Senti questa: http://www.divshare.com/download/3811691-943
buon divertimento,
Schweet! - Stefan M. / Occupied Territories
When trying to download I receive the message....
Sorry, this account has exceeded its download limit.
yeah right.
divshare allows 50 GB dowloads monthly!! please try again later...
Dam, I wanted to hear this now!
I was so sick of the fact that all I had of this album was someone's horrendous SIXTY FOUR BIT MP3s (yes, I kid you not) that I actually paid up with DivShare to get this rip you posted.
It is majestic! Less than one minute into the first track, I knew I had done the right thing by ponying up.
I hope you enjoy it and the crackles on SIde B don't belittle your pleasure.
Could somebody please re-up the lp?
Thanks a lot!!
The only someone over here, who rups files seems to be Basso. So if you don't mind ask me right away. I'll see if I find the zip somewhere and load it somewhere. You'll find a link right here in the comments,
basso, I'm new to your blog and I must say amazing work! The only thing is that link is busted. Any chance of finding a re-up?
This is gruesome!
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