I was about to post this beautiful summer mix of Tako with the following words:
"What do you expect from a mix when it's done by a supernice guy with an excellent taste in music and a wonderful record collection? Yeah and that's exactly what you get here. Also make sure to get a copy of the first 12" of the Sombrero Galaxy, released on Lovefingers long awaited ESP Institute. Sombrero Galaxy is the collabo between Tako and Jonny Nash and their "Journey to the center of the sun" is one of my favourite releases of the last years, cheers!"
That was yesterday. In the meantime something terrible happened. Tako's friend Petros Malevis from Athens passed away without a warning. This mix is dedicated to Petros! He will be missed. Rest in peace, Petros.
Downing now. Looking forward to this. Where was the photo taken? Is that a lake or the sea?
Sad about Petros. Rip
It was taken by Tako in Greece and it is the mediterranean. You see Petros swimming.....
I am enjoying it: Arabic track at minute 36 is one of my favourite.
Thank you Tako.
petros was one of my best friends.a true music lover and a man of style.i still can't believe he is gone.people like him should never die.thanks for mentioning him.the photo is amazing.something to hold on from him.
Very sad, indeed - and a very touching photograph. My thoughts are with all you guys.
very sad about petros. my love to all his friends and family. and wow, tako what a beautiful photo. i don't want to ruin it by talking about it. wish i was over with you guys now :-(
people who knew petros are shocked of this tragic event but truth be told is that petros passed away in a ridiculous way as all shinning stars do, hopefully his light will still shine in our hearts and light our paths... he was a true music lover and maybe even a tortured soul as a lot of us! funeral will be held tomorrow and even though i didnt know him that well to be considered a good friend, i feel like i have to pay him my respect. lets just hope he has a wonderful journey to where he is heading,and our thoughts will be with him to keep him safe and good company. deepest condolences to all the friends and family.... rip petro kali suneheia opou ki an pas...
Such sad news. rest in peace Petros,my thoughts to all his friends and family.
seconded on the track listing...can anyone identify the track with women singing about Siren voices drifting out of key? loooooooove that one and i want to start hunting for that record!!!
hi ! thanks for the kind comments everyone ! i made a tracklist for this mix ...
peter herzbolheimer - november
stroer duo - nomad
rare silk - storm
stroer duo - vietnam
max groove - essence
fairouz - habaitak bil saif
the witch - let's get together
ahmed fakroun - yar fahiblik
richard schneider jr. samba trip
muscles - love fire
james mason - i want your love
marvin gaye - i want you
silvia mason - lay it on me
bye ,
I would love to have this mix! Can someone point me to a fresh link? This one has expired :-(
new link:
cheers, Basso
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