What is Space Funk? "It's all about the synths" - I guess.
Here's 3 Zips packed with what I call Space Funk. With this selection I'm trying to chracterize a highly subjective definition of something (ehhm). I don't claim this definition to be any kind of "official", it's just a couple of tunes really. Don't expect too much - it's a mix of Jazz, Funk and Disco ; ) But nevertheless please have a listen and then TELL ME WHAT'S MISSIN!!! For real - I know that there must be a whole lot of music that may fit into my definition of Space Funk and I have never heard that, heard about that or forgot about it. So please do me a favour and tell me what I'm missing, folks!
Enjoy Volumes ONE, TWO and THREE without password protection
cheers, Basso
pic: René Magritte - The voice of space, 1931 oil on canvas