Thursday, June 16, 2011

unidentified food

imagine you're in a restaurant somewhere at the other end of the world and you can't read the menu. You chose anything and when food is served you only have vague ideas what it might be.

Best web radio ever

your secret host

Direct link to the show



Ash RA said...

What is the song that comes in at 50 minutes please? I know it's a secret mix but i'd love to know. You can whisper it. Also the Klaus Netzle-sounding one after with brass instruments is amazing, i'd love to know the LP for that too!

basso said...

no idea about the mellow one. chcking this will take some time........
the one after is a Netzle track and probably from this

Horia said...

Can you tell what is the song that comes in at 12 min 40 sec, please ? :) Thank you.

basso said...

Sorry, I have no clue. It's been a while ...