Okay the picture may not fit the music, but I had to ....... I usually don't post single tracks, but in this case (and maybe a few more in the future) I'll make an exception. I do this because I just found another copy of an LP that I almost forgot about. Strange enough, because one of the LP's tracks always accompagnied me (on my mp3 player) for almost 4 years now. Unfortunately I didn't name that mp3 properly. It just said "Tender Storm" and every time I lisened to it I was tenderly blown away. And every time I listened to it I thought "You'll hav to go through your records to find out what this is" and of course forgot about that a minute later. Yesterday I saw a copy of an LP that I already had (at a decent price) and listened to it. You already guessed it: There it was. "Tender Storm" on Snowball's (Kristian Schultze, Curt Cress, ....) Defroster LP from 1977. I love it!!!!!
PS. Four years ago I placed this ca. 150x150x150 cm sized snowball on the local
doggy lawn in the town I studied. It was then coloured by several four-legged artists.